Become a difference maker!

When you give you are tangibly making a difference in people’s lives – we see Jesus’ transforming power at work…people meet Jesus, lives are healed, faith is restored, people grow, families and communities are made stronger.

Living generously also changes your life. It is one way to put God first. When we put God above material things we declare our faith and trust in him.

We encourage those who are part of our York Street family to tithe to the work of the Kingdom. The amount you give is between you and God. We believe there’s no better investment in the world, and we pray that you will find giving a joy.

To assist you in your tithing and giving to the work of God here at York Street, we provide a few different ways to give.

Cash Gifts

Cash gifts will be collected during our services or can be made to the church office during office hours.

Direct Deposit

York Street Church of Christ
National Australia Bank
BSB: 083-526
Account number: 51-567-6798
Reference: Tithe/Offering


Alternatively, you can give to York St online.