Gospel of John Reading Plan

York St Church of Christ is pleased to offer this 5-week reading plan. Click on each day to find an audio recording of a passage from John! If you would prefer to read the passages yourself, you can download the plan.

Whole book

Listen to the whole book without interruptions!


Week 1


Today’s reading is John 1:1-34 (NIV)

Jesus Calls the Disciples

Today’s reading is John 1:35-51 (NIV)

Water to Wine, Jesus Clears the Temple

Today’s reading is John 2 (NIV)


Today’s reading is John 3:1-21 (NIV)

John the Baptist

Today’s reading is John 3:22-36 (NIV)

Woman at the Well

Today’s reading is John 4:1-42 (NIV)

coming soon.

Healing of the Official’s Son

Today’s reading is John 4:43-54 (NIV)

Week 2

Transforming Encounters

Today’s reading is John 5 (NIV)

Jesus Feeds the 5000, Walking on Water, Bread of Life

Today’s reading is John 6:1-59 (NIV)

Disciples Desert Jesus, Jesus Teaches at Feasts

Today’s reading is John 6:60 – 7:44 (NIV)

Unbelief of Jewish Leaders, Jesus’ Testimony

Today’s reading is John 7:45-8:30 (NIV)

Children of Abraham, Children of the Devil, Jesus’ Defence

Today’s reading is John 8:31-58 (NIV)

Healing of Blind Man, Spiritual Blindness

Today’s reading is John 9 (NIV)

Shepherd and Flock, Unbelief of Jews

Today’s reading is John 10 (NIV)

Week 3

Lazarus Get Up!

Today’s reading is John 11 (NIV)

Jesus Anointing, Triumphal Entry, Jesus Predicts His Death

Today’s reading is John 12:1-36 (NIV)

Continued Unbelief of Jews

Today’s reading is John 12:37-50 (NIV)

Washing Feet, Jesus Predictions

Today’s reading is John 13 (NIV)

Jesus Comforts His Disciples, The Way to the Father

Today’s reading is John 14:1-14 (NIV)

Promise of the Holy Spirit

Today’s reading is John 14:15-30 (NIV)

Vine and the Branches, The World Hates Jesus’ Disciples

Today’s reading is John 15 (NIV)

Week 4

Take Heart!

Today’s reading is John 16 (NIV)

Jesus Prays for Himself, Jesus Prays for His Disciples

Today’s reading is John 17:1-19 (NIV)

Jesus Prays for All Believers

Today’s reading is John 17:20-26 (NIV)

Jesus Arrested, Peter’s Denial

Today’s reading is John 18:1-27 (NIV)

Jesus Before Pilate

Today’s reading is John 18:28-40 (NIV)

Jesus’ Sentence: Crucifixion

Today’s reading is John 19:1-27 (NIV)

Jesus’ Death and Burial

Today’s reading is John 19:28-42 (NIV)

Week 5

Victory Over the Darkness

Today’s reading is John 20:1-9 (NIV)

Jesus Appears to Mary

Today’s reading is John 20:10-18 (NIV)

Jesus Appears to Disciples

Today’s reading is John 20:19-23 (NIV)

Jesus Appears to Thomas

Today’s reading is John 20:24-30 (NIV)

The Miracle Catch of Fish

Today’s reading is John 21:1-14 (NIV)

Jesus Reinstates Peter

Today’s reading is John 21:15-19 (NIV)

Peter Questions Jesus

Today’s reading is John 21:20-25 (NIV)

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